PhysiologyPlotting methods

To load PyPlot as a backend, export it with

using PhysiologyPlotting
using PyPlot
plot_experiment(axis::T, exp::Experiment; kwargs...)
plot_experiment(axis::Vector{T}, exp::Experiment; kwargs...)
plot_experiment(exp::Experiment; kwargs...)

Plot the experiment data on the given axis or axes.


  • axis: The axis to plot the data on.
  • exp: The Experiment object containing the data.

Keyword Arguments

  • channels: Channels to plot (default: 1).
  • sweeps: Sweeps to plot (default: :all).
  • yaxes: Whether to display the y-axis (default: true).
  • xaxes: Whether to display the x-axis (default: true).
  • xlims: X-axis limits (default: nothing).
  • ylims: Y-axis limits (default: nothing).
  • color: Color or colormap for the plot (default: :black).
  • cvals: Custom color values (default: nothing).
  • clims: Color limits for colormap (default: (0.0, 1.0)).
  • ylabel: Y-axis label (default: nothing).
  • xlabel: X-axis label (default: nothing).
  • linewidth: Line width for the plot (default: 1.0).
  • layout: Layout for multiple plots (default: nothing).
  • channels: Channels to plot (default: nothing).
  • st: Style of the plot, can be :trace, :waveplot, or :trace3D (default: :trace).
  • kwargs: These are keyword arguments common to PyPlot.jl. Please see: or for further documentation


  • The plot object.


plot_experiment(axis, my_experiment; channels=1, sweeps=:all)
 add_scalebar(axis, loc::Tuple{T,T}, dloc::Tuple{T,T}; 
           fontsize=10.0, lw=3.0, xlabeldist=30.0, ylabeldist=15.0,
           xunits="ms", yunits="μV", xconvert=1000.0, yconvert=1.0, xround=true, yround=true, kwargs...) where {T<:Real}

Add a scale bar to the plot at the specified location.


  • axis: The axis to add the scale bar to.
  • loc: The (x, y) location where the scale bar starts.
  • dloc: The (dx, dy) dimensions of the scale bar.

Keyword Arguments

  • fontsize: Font size for the scale bar labels (default: 10.0).
  • lw: Line width of the scale bar (default: 3.0).
  • xlabeldist: Distance for the x-axis label (default: 30.0).
  • ylabeldist: Distance for the y-axis label (default: 15.0).
  • xunits: Units for the x-axis (default: "ms").
  • yunits: Units for the y-axis (default: "μV").
  • xconvert: Conversion factor for x-axis units (default: 1000.0).
  • yconvert: Conversion factor for y-axis units (default: 1.0).
  • xround: Whether to round the x-axis label (default: true).
  • yround: Whether to round the y-axis label (default: true).


add_scalebar(axis, (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0))
 add_sig_bar(axes, x::Real, y::Real; 
            level = "*", color = :black, pointer = false,
            pointer_dx = 0.5, pointer_ylims = [2.0, 3.0], 
            lw = 1.0, fs = 12.0, ls = "solid")

add_sig_bar(axis, xs::Vector{T}, ys::Vector{T}; kwargs...) where T <: Real

Add a significance bar to the plot at the specified x and y coordinates.


  • axes: The axis or axes to add the significance bar to.
  • x, y: The x and y coordinates for the significance bar.

Keyword Arguments

  • level: Significance level (default: "*").
  • color: Color of the significance bar (default: :black).
  • pointer: Whether to include a pointer (default: false).
  • pointer_dx: Horizontal distance for the pointer (default: 0.5).
  • pointer_ylims: Vertical limits for the pointer (default: [2.0, 3.0]).
  • lw: Line width (default: 1.0).
  • fs: Font size (default: 12.0).
  • ls: Line style (default: "solid").


add_sig_bar(axis, 1.0, 2.0; level="*")
 draw_axes_border(ax; lw = 2.5, color = :black)

Draw a border around the axes.


  • ax: The axis to draw the border around.

Keyword Arguments

  • lw: Line width (default: 2.5).
  • color: Color of the border (default: :black).


draw_axes_border(ax; lw=2.5)