ElectroPhysiology.jl Tutorial

A tutorial is provided in the github repo


The experiment is the universal experiment container

At the base of the ElectroPhysiology.jl package (PhysigologyAnalysis.jl, and PhysiologyModeling.jl). Is the Experiment object: Experiment. This object contains all relevant information about the data. The easiest way to get your data into an Experiment is to extract it.

Opening Axon Binary Format files (.abf)

Currently, this package only opens this can only be done through

test_file = "test\\to_filter.abf"
data = readABF(test_file)
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for readABF(::Type{T}, abf_data::Union{String,Vector{UInt8}}; trials::Union{Int64,Vector{Int64}}=-1, channels::Union{Int64, String, Vector{String}}=["Vm_prime", "Vm_prime4"], average_trials::Bool=false, stimulus_name::Union{String, Vector{String}, Nothing}="IN 7", #One of the best places to store digital stimuli stimulus_threshold::T=2.5, #This is the normal voltage rating on digital stimuli warn_bad_channel=false, #This will warn if a channel is improper flatten_episodic::Bool=false, #If the stimulation is episodic and you want it to be continuous time_unit=:s, #The time unit is s, change to ms ) where {T<:Real}. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Modification of Experiment files

Once the data is open. We can do several things to modify it.

Extracting data and metadata from a system of file names

PhysiologyAnalysis.jl has some methods that make the extraction of file information easier. These are really just convienance functions. Because some experiments are really different, these may or may not be helpful.

Making a dataframe that includes all trials in a experiment